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Claire Thompson

A Compassionate Easter at Baah-Land

Easter is here and we are surrounded by the lovely images of tiny lambs and chicks, but the sad reality is that most of these innocent animals will never see another Easter, as their lives will be taken from them in less than a year – but here at Baah-Land they live in safety and will never know anything but the love of their carers here at the sanctuary, and a full and happy life as long as that should be. Did you know? A healthy, well cared for sheep, can live into their teens and some even their 20s (the oldest sheep on record was 28!). Why shouldn’t they all enjoy this long and happy life?

Spotty was born at Baah-Land after a tup got into one of our fields. He was quite the surprise, but a very lucky lamb to be born here! Spotty will grow up alongside his mother and never be parted from her side. The loving bond between mother and son is such a strong one and this will likely continue for the rest of their lives; much like ourselves, family bonds and friendships are very important to sheep. This Easter lamb will see another Easter!

Spotty just 3 weeks old

This weekend, please spare a thought for those Easter lambs and chicks who aren’t as lucky as Spotty and his family, and please make compassionate choices when celebrating the season – celebrate new life without taking it!

  • Adopt/Sponsor an Animal as an alternative Easter gift – why not Adopt one of our beautiful, rescued sheep?

  • Enjoy a plant-based Easter lunch – it’s never been easier to find kind alternatives to traditional seasonal favourites, and keep it up after Easter!

  • Visit an animal sanctuary – several are holding special open weekends this Easter (we are not open just yet, but we are getting ready behind the scenes to be able to welcome you in the future!)

  • Go on an Easter walk – see how many signs of spring you can spot, don’t forget to take a picnic with you!

  • If you’re lucky enough to have a garden, why not get out into it and give nature a helping hand? Plant some herbs and vegetables and enjoy using your own produce for your next Easter lunch!

We’d love to hear how you are spending your Easter. We will be busy here at the sanctuary caring for our many rescued residents because no matter what time of year it is, the work never stops

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